Commodity Derivatives Commodity Derivative transactions vary in nature and can reference physical commodities, contracts for the delivery of physical commodities, physical events, commodity indexes or a combination thereof. The conditions and specific commodities, delivery or events involved are detailed within the relevant agreements, termsheets and/or confirmations between ICBCS and our counterparties. Derivative transactions carry certain risks including but not limited to: • Market risk • Credit risk • Operational risk • Legal risk • Regulatory risk Commodity Derivatives carry certain risks; including but not limited to: • Price volatility • Supply and demand • Negative prices • Physical settlement In addition to the above, there are specific risks for certain product types. Please contact your Account Executive for additional information. Foreign Exchange (“FX”) Derivatives FX derivatives transactions involve the exchange or settlement of currencies against one or more other currencies. ICBCS deals primarily in FX Forwards, Non-Deliverable Forwards and FX Options (including Non-Deliverable Options). The conditions and specific currencies involved are detailed within the relevant agreements, termsheets and/or confirmations between ICBCS and our counterparties. Derivative transactions carry certain risks including but not limited to: • Market risk • Credit risk • Operational risk • Legal risk • Regulatory risk FX Derivatives carry certain risks; including but not limited to: • Settlement risk • Market access risk (opening dates and times) • Government intervention risk In addition to the above, there are specific risks for certain product types. Please contact your Account Executive for additional information. Additional Information The benefits or returns and profit or loss of trades are detailed within the termsheets and/or confirmation documents relating to those specific trades. Please contact your Account Executive if you require any additional information. In the event you wish to make a Complaint, please contact your Account Executive.